
CCCADD Members

Director of the center: Lecturer Valentin Lucian Ciorba PhD.

General Secretary: Associate Professor Sergiu Zegrean PhD.

Board of Directors:

Associate Professor Andreea Palade Flondor PhD.

Associate Professor Alexandru Cristian Bunii PhD.

Associate Professor Valentina Ștefănescu PhD.


Professor Camil George Mihăescu PhD. Hab.

Professor Iosif Mihailo PhD. Hab.

Associate Professor Alexandru Cristian Bunii PhD.

Associate Professor Eduard Jakabhazi PhD.

Associate Professor Andreea Palade Flondor PhD.

Associate Professor Dumitru Penteliuc – Cotoșman PhD.

Associate Professor Valentina Ștefănescu PhD.

Associate Professor Sergiu Zegrean PhD

Associate Professor Grati Gloria PhD.

Lecturer Eugenia Elena Riemschneider PhD.

Lecturer Sandra Chira PhD.

Assist. Andreea Pleșa PhD.

Assist. Claudia Feti PhD.

Assist. Carla Cezara Pădurean PhD.

Assist. Bianca Mureșan PhD.

Drd. Evelina Tănasie

Scientific Council:

Dr. Docent Mari Krappala – Doctor of Arts, Master of Education, Docent in Cultural Studies in Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki, Finland

Prof. Grzegorz Biliński PhD. Hab. – Academy of Fine Arts, Intermedia Faculty, Cracow

Professor Alicja Duzel-Bilińska PhD. Hab. – Academy of Fine Arts, Intermedia Faculty, Cracow. Interior designer, architect and visual artist

Giuseppe Di Lorenzo – Artist e docente di Pittura presso, L’ Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma

Ferenc Kiss – Lecturer, University of Szeged, Hungary. Graphic designer and member of the Association of Hungarian Typography Artists

Asist. Prof. Ahmet Özel – İstanbul Gelişim University

Dr. Norman Siu – Independent Luxury Goods & Jewelry Proffessional, Hong Kong. PhD at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Laura West – Artist, USA

Sha Feng – President of Associazione di Design Cinese e Italiano in Italia. Visiting Professor at Zhongshan Polytechnic China.